“Adapter” is a part autobiographical, part documentary theater piece about the life in Damascus, before, during, and after the uprising in Syria. The monologue offers an insight into the complexity of the narrative and how human relationships are affected by the pressures of war, revolution and displacement. (in Arabic & German).
Theater piece, 90 min, Arabic and German
Actors: Paul Wollin, Marina Frenk, Toks Körner
Co-director/scriptwriting: Wasim Ghrioui
Director/Dramaturgy: Nora Haakh
Stage Costume: Noemi Baumblatt
Assistant Dramaturgy: Theo Plakoudakis and Merle Heinrich
German subtitles: Raman Khalaf
Technical management: Robert Lange
Production management and assistant director: Merle Heinrich
Intern: Isabel Lückerath
Translated from Arabic by: Sandra Hetzl, Carolin Kabra.
Performed at:
2017 Residenz theater, München
2016 Heimathafen, Aufbau-Haus, Berlin
2015 W3 Hamburg, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin